Video Examples

Follow-Along Scores

Learning to compose, further understand and perform pre-composed music begins with a study of the actual music notes, the scores (also called charts) that contain the written record of the music itself. In the world of Musical Kaleidoscope, we are developing what we call follow-along scores, videos that feature the score pages along with a performance of the music itself, so that the student, or the enthusiast, needs not try to keep up with the music from one source, while trying to keep up with a printed copy of the score at the same time.

World 1 - Popular Music

Popular Music

Sinatra - I Get Along Without You Very Well

Gabriel Yared - Two Cues from Cold Mountain

World 4 - Classical Music


Missa de angelis (Mass of the Angels)

Hildegard von Bingen - Ordo Virtutum

16th Century

Josquin des Prez - Praeter rerum seriem

Victoria - Three Great Hymn Settings

Palestrina O magnum mysterium

Palestrina Good Friday Impropria

Gabrieli - O magnum mysterium

Victoria - Lauda sion salvatorem

Handl (Gallus) - Ecce quomodo moritur justus

Gallus - Laudate Dominum for four choirs

17th Century

17th Century German Sacred Music

Giovanni Paolo Colonna - Dixit Dominus

19th Century

Tuneful Classics from the Romantic Era

Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition

Kalinnikov - Symphony No. 1 in G minor

Richard Wagner - Die Meistersinger Act 2

20th Century

Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2

John Adams - The Chairman Dances


Gospel Songs from the Redback Hymnal

"Hymns of The Church" Hymnal

Study Scores

Musical Kaleidoscope features scores that are intended for a deeper study of a music composition: the sectioning of the work, the harmonic structures, melodic development, and so on. You will find examples by clicking on the button ->