Books and Scores

     We have been preparing books and score publications for eventual release. The first score publications that Don created were hand drawn and date from about 1972. At the bottom of the page, we list our own Musical Kaleidoscope World One through World Four publications and our catalogue. We have not yet provided a list of the many book reprints and other publications that are in the queue to be published.

Don and Mary Ellen

Music Scores

     “I have been preparing music scores for publication since 1972, when I stood over copy machines in major university libraries copying rare editions that later I transcribed by hand from the original no-longer-used music notation. I made a big leap forward during the period of 2009-2016, as digitized scores became available online. Mary Ellen and I maintained book cases filled with binders that contained the scores for the volumes that are listed below.
     “Our goal is to publish score editions in four formats: digital, spiral bound (for study), perfect bound (for libraries) and some in video ‘follow-along’ versions.”

Don Robertson

Our Binder Room in Nashville (2018)

16th Century - Sacred Choral Music of the Renaisance

Motets, Litanies, Psalms and Sacred Madrigals

MC001 – The Song of Songs (140 Pages)
MC002 – Sacred Madrigals (180 Pages)
MC003 – The Palestrina Offertories (270 Pages)
MC004 – The Litany Book (325 Pages)
MC005 – Three- and Four-Part Motets (264 Pages)
MC006 – Five-Part Motets (315 Pages)
MC007 – Six- and Seven-Part Motets (180 Pages)
MC008 – Sacred Music for Multiple Choirs Volume 1 (240 pages)
MC009 – Sacred Music for Multiple Choirs Volume 2 (210 pages)
MC010 – Sacred Music for Multiple Choirs Volume 3 (235 pages)

Vespers and Compline Services

MC101 – Volume 1 – The Divine Office (170 Pages)
MC102 – Volume 2 – The Psalmody Book Part One – Tones 1-5 (205 pages)
MC103 – Volume 3 – The Psalmody Book Part Two – Tones 6-9 (215 Pages)
MC104 – Volume 4 – Vesper Psalms – Full Settings (210 Pages)
MC105 – Volume 5 – The Magnificat Book – Tones 1 and 2 (225 Pages approx)
MC106 – Volume 6 – The Magnificat Book – Tones 3, 4 and 5 (214 Pages approx)
MC107 – Volume 7 – The Magnificat Book – Tones 6, 7 and 8 (212 Pages approx)
MC108 – Volume 8 – 12 Gregorian Hymns – Alternating Polyphonic settings Part 1 (230 Pages)
MC109 – Volume 9 – 12 Gregorian Hymns – Alternating Polyphonic settings Part 2 (240 Pages)
MC110 – Volume 10 – The Four Marian Antiphons Part 1 (230 pages)
MC111 – Volume 11 – The Four Marian Antiphons Part 2 (350 Pages)

The Mass

MC201 – Volume 1 – Masses in Four Parts (240 Pages)
MC202 – Volume 2 – Masses in Five and Six Parts (200 pages)
MC203 – Volume 3 – Six Great Six-Part Masses by Palestrina (200 Pages)
MC204 – Volume 4 – The Requiem Mass (220 Pages)
MC205 – Volume 5 – Multiple Choir Masses (260 pages)

Holy Week

MC301 – Holy Week Vol. 1 – Palm Sunday (360 Pages)
MC302 – Holy Week Vol. 2 – Maundy Thursday and Holy Saturday Matins (300 Pages)
MC303 – Holy Week Vol. 3 – Good Friday Matins and Afternoon Service (320 Pages)
MC304 – Holy Week Vol. 4 – Maundy Thursday Lamentations & Miserere Settings (300+ Pages)
MC305 – Holy Week Vol. 5 – Good Friday and Holy Saturday Lamentations (360 Pages)
MC306 – Holy Week Vol. 6 – Lamentations from the First Half of the 16th Century (230 Pages)
MC307 – Holy Week Vol. 7 – Lamentations for Non-Specified Days plus Music for Easter (330 Pages)
MC308 – Holy Week Vol. 8 – Holy Week Settings (ca 300 Pages)
MC309 – Holy Week Vol. 9 – Responsories (270 Pages)


MC401 – Christmas Matins with Both Polyphonic Music and Chant (200 Pages)

17th Century - Music Treasures from the Lost Century

MB-001 – Instrumental Music in the 17th Century
MB-002 – Monteverdi Secular Music (260 Pages)
MB-003 – Colonna – Vespers Opus 12 Part 1
MB-004 – Colonna – Vespers Opus 12 Part 2
MB-005 – Viadana Vespers for Four Choirs (180 Pages)
MB-006 – Monteverdi – Vespers of 1610

18th Century - The Century of Reason


MD001 – Fugue Studies
MD002 – J.S. Bach – The Countrapuntalist
MD003 – J.S. Bach Fugue Studies Volume 1 – “Real” Answers
MD004 – J.S. Bach Fugue Studies Volume 2 – “Tonal” Answers
MD005 – J.S. Bach Choral Fugue Studies – Cantatas Volume 1
MD006 – J.S. Bach Choral Fugue Studies – Cantatas Volume 2
MD007 – J.S. Bach Choral Fugue Studies – Various Works
MD008 – J.S. Bach Choral Music Studies – The A Major Mass
MD009 – J.S. Bach Choral Music Studies – The B Minor Mass
MD010 – J.S. Bach Advanced Fugue Studies
MD011 – Double and Triple Counterpoint and Fugues


ME-001 – 18th Century Instrumental (approx 350 pages)
MJ-004 – Music of Christian Bach

19th Century - The Romantic Era

Chamber Music Scores

MS-001 – Romantic String Quartets (200 Pages)
MS-002 – An Album of French Song

Choral Music Scores

MC-001 – An Album of French Choral Music

Orchestral Music Scores

MO-001 – Russian Fantasy (215 Pages)
MO-002 – Light Classical Music
MO-003 – Scriabin Symphonies No. 1 and 4 (230 Pages)
MO-004 – Scriabin Symphony No. 2 and Reverie (200 Pages)
MO-005 – Scriabin Symphony No. 3 Divine Poem (207 Pages)
MO-006 – Schubert Unfinished Symphony and Mass in G and Ab (216 Pages)
MO-007 – Banquet francais Volume 1 (230 pages)
MO-008 – Banquet francais Volume 2
MO-009 – Ropartz – 1st Symphony (145 Pages)
MO-010 – César Franck Rédemption
MO-011 – César Franck Les Beatitudes
MO-012 – César Franck Ruth (211 Pages)
MO-013 – Bruckner Mass No. 3 (200 pages)
MO-014 – Two Romantic Piano Concertos (150 Pages)

Vocal Scores

MV-001 – César Franck Hulda Vocal Score
MV-002 – César Franck Ghiselle Vocal Score

Piano Scores

MP-003 – Scriabin Piano Book (104 Pages)
MP-004 – Scriabin “Wings of Flight” (165 Pages)

Study Scores - French

MF-001 – César Franck Symphony Study (160 pages)
MF-002 – César Franck Psyche Study
MF-003 – Debussy Study (220 pages)
MF-004 – Ravel and Ropartz Study (235 pages)
MF-005 – Ropartz 2nd Symphony (157 pages)

Study Scores - German/Austrian

MG-001 – Four Beethoven String Quartets
MG-002 – Beethoven Symphony Nos. 5 and 6 Studies
MG-003 – Beethoven Piano Sonata Studies
MG-004 – Bruckner Symphony No. 4 and 7

Study Scores - Italian

MW001 – Tosca Act 1 Study


In 2017, we began preparation on a set of five books about our Musical Kaleidoscope project. We printed copies of the first two books. We did not complete books 3 and 4 due to the necessity of beginning work on our show, class, score and documentary videos. However, book 3 is complete except for final edits, and we hope to include it here soon.

Musical Kaleidoscope Books

The Musical Kaleidoscope World One Book (2017)

World One features an exploration of the great popular and folk-music genres of American music that have influenced music around the world. These traditions are reviewed in our publication The Musical Kaleidoscope Project: World One.  

The Musical Kaleidoscope World Two Book (2017)

World Two takes us beyond the borders of the USA in directions both east and south, where we explore the popular and folk-music traditions of Europe, and south of the border to Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, Guatemala, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador and Bolivia. 

The Musical Kaleidoscope World Three Book (2017)

World Three takes the music explorer into the exotic realms of music belonging to Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East. We discover the ancient music of China, investigating its many traditions, the music of Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia, the popular traditions of India, the music of Africa, and ancient music traditions from the Muslim world.

The Musical Kaleidoscope World Four Book (in progress)

It has been said that popular music is for the many, classical music for the few. We hope that is not true, and wish everyone would enjoy the rich rewards of the truly great classical music traditions of India and Europe, the latter minus the discordant musical experiments of the 20th Century.

The Musical Kaleidoscope Catalogue

An important aspect of Musical Kaleidoscope, which we first developed in the 1980s, is the interplay between music cultures, and the exploration of instruments and styles that span cultures. Our publication for multiple worlds will be a complete catalogue and description of the videos that we have been preparing for eventual use in the Musical Kaleidoscope project.